package icserror const ( ICS_ERROR_COMMON = iota ICS_ERROR_CONFIG = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 1000 ICS_ERROR_SVC = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 2000 ICS_ERROR_UTIL = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 2500 ICS_ERROR_SIP_PROCESSOR = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 3000 ICS_ERROR_NET = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 4000 ICS_ERROR_RECORDDATA = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 4500 ICS_ERROR_SIP_PARSER = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 5000 ICS_ERROR_SDP_PARSER = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 5500 ICS_ERROR_RTP_PARSER = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 6000 ICS_ERROR_DTMF = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 6500 ICS_ERROR_CONV = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 7000 ICS_ERROR_SESS = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 8000 ICS_ERROR_EVENT = ICS_ERROR_COMMON + 9000 ) //common error const ( ICSOK = iota + ICS_ERROR_COMMON ICSFALSE ICS_ERROR_NOTFOUND_HOME ICS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM ICS_ERROR_FILE_OPEN ICS_ERROR_MAKE_DIR ICS_ERROR_STRING_CONV ICS_ERROR_DAEMONIZE ICS_ERROR_UNKNOWN ) var ( ICSERRTest = NewIcsError("This Is Error Test", ICSOK) ICSERRNotFoundHome = NewIcsError("Not found HOME Directory", ICS_ERROR_NOTFOUND_HOME) ICSERRInvalidParam = NewIcsError("Invalid Parameter", ICS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM) ICSERRFileOpen = NewIcsError("File Open Error", ICS_ERROR_FILE_OPEN) ICSERRMakeDir = NewIcsError("File Open Error", ICS_ERROR_MAKE_DIR) ICSERRStrConv = NewIcsError("Atoi Error", ICS_ERROR_STRING_CONV) ICSERRDeamonize = NewIcsError("Process Deamonize Error", ICS_ERROR_DAEMONIZE) ICSERRUnkown = NewIcsError("Unknown Error", ICS_ERROR_UNKNOWN) ) //config error const ( ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_FILE_NOTFOUND = iota + ICS_ERROR_CONFIG ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_OPEN_FILE ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_UNMARSHAL ) var ( ICSERRCONFFileNotFound = NewIcsError("icsconfig: Not Found The Config File ", ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_FILE_NOTFOUND) ICSERRCONFOpenFile = NewIcsError("icsconfig: Configuration File Open Error", ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_OPEN_FILE) ICSERRCONFUnmarshal = NewIcsError("icsconfig: Config File Unmarshal Error", ICS_ERROR_CONFIG_UNMARSHAL) ) //service error const ( ICS_ERROR_SVC_WRONG_TIME = iota + ICS_ERROR_SVC ICS_ERROR_SVC_NOT_INIT ) var ( ICSERRSVCTime = NewIcsError("icsservice: Wrong time", ICS_ERROR_SVC_WRONG_TIME) ICSERRSVCInit = NewIcsError("icsapp: Not init service", ICS_ERROR_SVC_NOT_INIT) ) //util error const ( ICS_ERROR_UTIL_DISK_FULL = iota + ICS_ERROR_UTIL ) var ( ICSERRUTILDiskFull = NewIcsError("icsutil: Disk Full", ICS_ERROR_UTIL_DISK_FULL) ) /* //sip processor error const ( ICS_ERROR_PCAP_OPENLIVE = iota + ICS_ERROR_PCAP ICS_ERROR_PCAP_SETFILTER ICS_ERROR_PCAP_EOF ) var ( ICSERRPCAPOpenLive = NewIcsError("icspcap: OpenLive Error", ICS_ERROR_PCAP_OPENLIVE) ICSERRPCAPSetFilter = NewIcsError("icspcap: Set filter Error", ICS_ERROR_PCAP_SETFILTER) ICSERRPCAPEOF = NewIcsError("icspcap: Packet EOF", ICS_ERROR_PCAP_EOF) ) */ //net error const ( ICS_ERROR_NET_RESOLVEADDR = iota + ICS_ERROR_NET ICS_ERROR_NET_LISTEN ICS_ERROR_NET_CONNECT ICS_ERROR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED ICS_ERROR_NET_CLOSE ICS_ERROR_NET_WRITE ICS_ERROR_NET_READ ICS_ERROR_NET_ACCEPT ICS_ERROR_NET_NOT_FOUND_IF ICS_ERROR_NET_GET_ADDR ) var ( ICSERRNETResolveAddrError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Resolve Address Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_RESOLVEADDR) ICSERRNETListenError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Listen Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_LISTEN) ICSERRNETConnectError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Connect Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_CONNECT) ICSERRNETNotConnectError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Connection is not completed yet", ICS_ERROR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED) ICSERRNETCloseError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Close Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_CLOSE) ICSERRNETWriteError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Write Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_WRITE) ICSERRNETReadError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Read Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_READ) ICSERRNETAcceptError = NewIcsError("icsnet: Accept Error", ICS_ERROR_NET_ACCEPT) ICSERRNETNotFoundIF = NewIcsError("icsnet: Not Found Interface", ICS_ERROR_NET_NOT_FOUND_IF) ICSERRNETGetAddr = NewIcsError("icsnet: Could Not Get Address", ICS_ERROR_NET_GET_ADDR) ) //recorddata error const ( ICS_ERROR_RECORDDATA_CALLSIGNAL_PARSING = iota + ICS_ERROR_RECORDDATA ) var ( ICSERRRECORDDATAParsing = NewIcsError("recorddata: Parsing Error", ICS_ERROR_RECORDDATA_CALLSIGNAL_PARSING) ) //sip parsing error var ( ICSERRSIPHeader = NewIcsError("icssip: Header format Error", ICS_ERROR_SIP_PARSER) ICSERRINVITERequired = NewIcsError("icssip: INVITE Method required SDP", ICS_ERROR_SIP_PARSER) ICSERR200OKRequired = NewIcsError("icssip: 200 OK Method required SDP", ICS_ERROR_SIP_PARSER) ) //sdp parsing error var ( ICSERRSDPParser = NewIcsError("icssdp: Data parser Error", ICS_ERROR_SDP_PARSER) ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia = NewIcsError("icssdp: Not Found SDP Media audio tag", ICS_ERROR_SDP_PARSER) ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue = NewIcsError("icssdp: SDP Media audio tag port is not numeric", ICS_ERROR_SDP_PARSER) ) //rtp parser error const ( ICS_ERROR_RTP_NO = iota + ICS_ERROR_RTP_PARSER ) var ( ICSERRRTPNo = NewIcsError("icsrtp: This packet may not be RTP", ICS_ERROR_RTP_NO) ) //dtmf parser error const ( ICS_ERROR_DTMF_OK = iota + ICS_ERROR_DTMF ICS_ERROR_DTMF_CONT ICS_ERROR_DTMF_FAIL ) var ( ICSERRDTMFOK = NewIcsError("icsdtmf: Detected DTMF", ICS_ERROR_DTMF_OK) ICSERRDTMFCont = NewIcsError("icsdtmf: Processing detect", ICS_ERROR_DTMF_CONT) ICSERRDTMFFail = NewIcsError("icsdtmf: Failed detection DTMF", ICS_ERROR_DTMF_FAIL) ) //media converter error const ( ICS_ERROR_CONV_NOT_SUPPORTED_CODEC = iota + ICS_ERROR_CONV ICS_ERROR_CONV_DECODE ICS_ERROR_CONV_ENCODE ) var ( ICSERRCONVNotSupportedCodec = NewIcsError("icsmediaconv: Not Supported codec", ICS_ERROR_CONV_NOT_SUPPORTED_CODEC) ICSERRCONVDecodeFail = NewIcsError("icsmediaconv: Decoding Fail", ICS_ERROR_CONV_DECODE) ICSERRCONVEncodeFail = NewIcsError("icsmediaconv: Encoding Fail", ICS_ERROR_CONV_ENCODE) ) //session error const ( ICS_ERROR_SESS_NOT_FOUND_SESSION = iota + ICS_ERROR_SESS ICS_ERROR_SESS_SESSION_MAX_IDLE ICS_ERROR_SESS_SESSION_NUM_EXCEED ) var ( ICSERRSESSNotFoundSession = NewIcsError("icssessionmanager: Not Found Session", ICS_ERROR_SESS_NOT_FOUND_SESSION) ICSERRSESSMaxSessionIdle = NewIcsError("icssessionmanager: Exceeded Session Max Idling Time", ICS_ERROR_SESS_SESSION_MAX_IDLE) ICSERRSESSMaxSessionNumber = NewIcsError("icssessionmanager: Licensed Channel Number Exceeded ", ICS_ERROR_SESS_SESSION_NUM_EXCEED) ) //event error const ( ICS_ERROR_EVT_ALLOC = iota + ICS_ERROR_EVENT ICS_ERROR_EVT_REMOVE ICS_ERROR_EVT_POST ICS_ERROR_EVT_NOT_INITIALIZE ICS_ERROR_EVT_UNKNOWN ) var ( ICSERREVTAlloc = NewIcsError("icsevent: Event Allocation Error", ICS_ERROR_EVT_ALLOC) ICSERREVTRemove = NewIcsError("icsevent: Event Remove Error", ICS_ERROR_EVT_REMOVE) ICSERREVTPost = NewIcsError("icsevent: Event Post Error", ICS_ERROR_EVT_POST) ICSERREVTNotInit = NewIcsError("icsevent: Event System Not Initialized", ICS_ERROR_EVT_NOT_INITIALIZE) ICSERREVTUnkown = NewIcsError("icsevent: Unkown Error", ICS_ERROR_EVT_UNKNOWN) )